Creating a tech tool to promote European Traditional Sport and Games from an intergenerational and inclusive perspective.

Ref. Project: 579689-EPP-1-2016-1-ES-SPO-SSCP








Aragonese Ball

How is it played? (Rules)

The matches are usually hand to hand (one player against another) or in pairs (two against two). The game is to travel a certain distance in the least number of shots possible. A shot is the path made by the ball from the moment it leaves the shooter’s hand until it stops. The route is usually about 4 to 6 km between the round trip. The player who starts the competition will take a 15 to 20 meter race to the line of disembarkation, taking a jump throwing the ball, to achieve greater momentum. When the ball has stopped, the opponent will begin his journey. Whoever gets a greater distance will say that it has an advantage. The one that first passes the final line will win, which will now be the goal. If the match is made in pairs, the components of each of them will alternate to shoot. When arriving at the line of return the players or pairs will exchange the balls, maintaining the advantage obtained until that moment.

Sport or Game History and origins:

Although the origins go back to the Muslim Aragon, it is not until the end of the 19th century that people start to become aware as a competitive sport.

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It consists of the one who, throwing a ball, must complete a course stipulated in the least number of possible shots. Winning the first that exceeds the final line.


Physical: Motor skills improvement (coordination, balance, agility, etc.)
Physical: Physical condition improvement (strength, speed, endurance, etc).
Psychological: Psychological skills improvement (motivation, leadership, group cohesion, concentration, etc.)
Social: Socialization (social relations based on game/sport).

Game’s materials

A steel ball weighing 5 pounds (approximately 1,670 grams) and a diameter of75 mm, for each player or for each pair, if the competition is done under thismodality. In its origin it was the cannon ball, iron and lead and, later, practiced with the balls used to crush the stone in cement factories. The playing field is an unoccupied road, although any road outside the urban area can serve, as long as it is dirt. A line will be marked from side to side of the road, called desembarre (exit), and another line halfway (turn).

Is it related to an specific event or festivity ( festivals, religious or pagan celebrations)?

Famous championships lasted several days. The distance they had to travel it linked several localities by local roads. These challenges were followed by numerous public with cars and horses, including overnight on the roadside. When the rivalry between two localities entered the challenge, they acted as judges two councilors, one from each town, who gave validity to the competition. In most cases he was motivated by challenges or bets. Until 1970 it was frequent that the most outstanding shooter of a town challenge to that of another locality and representatives of both established the conditions of the encounter.

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