Creating a tech tool to promote European Traditional Sport and Games from an intergenerational and inclusive perspective.

Ref. Project: 579689-EPP-1-2016-1-ES-SPO-SSCP








Leonese Fight

How is it played? (Rules)

It is fought barefoot, inside a circular space called «corro» (traditionally grass, but also on mats), with a diameter of 18 meters. Once the grip of both fighters (one hand in front and the other on the back of the opponent’s belt, tanned leather made, three centimeters wide), the wrestling begins. The objective is the «fall», which is considered «whole» when the one that falls hits the ground with the back of his body, from the knee to the nape of the neck. If it hits the side, front or release the belt, it is considered «half-fallen». It is usually fought to two whole falls, sum of half-fallen or advantage achieved in set time, which is one minute and a half for qualifying matches, three minutes in finals.
There are categories by weight, that at present are, for masculine senior wrestling, four: Lightweight(-67’050 kg), Middleweight(67’051-77’050 kg), Semi-heavy weight(77’051-88’050 kg) and Heavyweight(88’051-kg). In female senior wrestling, with other weights, they are not considered Semi-heavy weight. At the same time, there is wrestling in basic and juvenile ages («Benjamines, Alevines, Infantiles, Cadetes and Juveniles»), from 8 to 18 years old.

Sport or Game History and origins:

It is customary to cite the description of Roman geographers (Strabo, 64 BC-24 AD) about the «pugilistic fighting» of the peoples of the Spanish Northwest as the oldest reference of origin. There are medieval artistic manifestations that are also linked to the «history» of the Leonese wrestling, just as it happens in other areas of Europe. The survival of this traditional wrestling owes much to its playful practice on the part of peasants and shepherds, especially in areas of the Mountain and Riverbanks of Leon. The Transhumance of the shepherds of Leon has been understood allowed to spread to other territories where unfortunately has not been maintained. From the beginning of the twentieth century, the first steps of updating, unification, codification … deportivization, which have made its validity possible. The Corro de los Fueros de León» (1920), is one of the first occasions in which this process takes on character, they will be later the «Provincial Championships» (started in 1931, one of the oldest sports competitions in force in Spain) and , after the Spanish Civil War, the process of institutionalization: since the creation of the Spanish Federation of Wrestling (1932) the «Leonesa», as well as the «Canaria» are considered as modalities. In 1952 the Leonesa de Lucha Federation was created (within the Spanish one, and with a new order of the national and regional sports laws, in 1990 the «Territorial de Lucha de Castilla y León», in which it is currently framed. Since 1996, he has joined the International Federation of Celtic Wrestling (FILC / IFCW). In 2017 it was recognized by the «Junta de Castilla y León» as Intangible Cultural Heritage(BIC).

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Holding both fighters to their leather belts, without letting go, each of them tries to knock down the opponent, using techniques of arms and legs known as «mañas»(tecnics or tricks).


Physical: Physical condition improvement (strength, speed, endurance, etc).
Psychological: Psychological skills improvement (motivation, leadership, group cohesion, concentration, etc.)
Physical: Motor skills improvement (coordination, balance, agility, etc.)
Social: Integration (intergenerational, integender, intercomunities, etc.).
Social: Socialization (social relations based on game/sport).

Game’s materials

Sports shirt and shorts, wrestling belt («cinto»). It is allowed to use protections (that do not provoke damage to the contrary) for wrists, ankles. knees and waistband.

Is it related to an specific event or festivity ( festivals, religious or pagan celebrations)?

Traditionally it was wrestled in parties and pilgrimages of the country villages or other celebrations. At present, the best-known competition, the «Summer League», continues to have as citations the parties of the villages.

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